~ bebe news ~

25 November 2003

ramanda called and woke me up this morning with a bad news: bebe seems very, very sick.

he eats and drink very little. he doesn’t run around. heck, he doesn’t even walk around. he doesn’t seem aware that you are approaching him until you touch him. if he hops or runs, he hits things around him. he can’t go into his own cage. his eyes do not fully open.

i think he went blind.


a friend of garrett (ramanda’s roommate) said that considering that bebe is almost 9 years old, it is possible that he had stroke.

my baby bunny had stroke! *cries again*.

bebe has been living in savannah in the past 12 months. i wish i could be there. i know he’s old and he is probably going to die very soon. but i wish i could do something… like pet him or something. i don’t even know if he’s in pain or not. what if he is? i want to take him to the doctor. i want to give him some celery so that he would eat something…

i just cry and cry, cause i think the time has come. we always joke around that maybe bebe is immortal. for a long time, he still acted like he was 1 year old, jumps here and there, to one corner then make those 180-degree turns and runs into another corner. maybe he’s a super healthy bunny.

or maybe not.

i just wish he’s not in pain. and please eat something.

this is bebe a few months ago

bebe in his toilet

~ comment (6) ~

boohooo….kesian amat bebenya, thal. udah tua ya? i think when we have a pet, and our pet is going to leave us for good, that’ll be the saddest moment. gue sampe skrg masih belon imagining it, coz it’ll hurt so much. gue sendiri punya anjing, a stupid-but-adorable sharpei. gue dah rawat dia since he’s 4 wks old waktu gue masih di states. skrg dia msh sama2 ama gue di jkt. dah 7 taon. msh long way to go sih. tapi kan waktu cepet yaks for animal. duh, bebe loe indeed so cute yah. lovely banget. sedih juga kalo dia akhirnya leaving ur side. mudah2an she’s still strong enough. if she has to go, hope she’s not gonna be in pain.

velas | 25 November 2003 - 07:24 | reply

you brought your dog with you from the States? did he have to go thru the custom’s quarantine and all?

thalia | 26 November 2003 - 10:20 | reply

awwwww, i am *so* sad!!!!!! :*(

jane | 26 November 2003 - 07:12 | reply

me too :( i hope he’s okay. they’re going to take him to the vet to see if there is anything they could do…

thalia | 26 November 2003 - 10:22 | reply

9 years, kayanya emang uah umurnya thal. u know, kaya penyakit udah tua gitu. emang sedih krn kelinci itu hewan yg lincah banget *jangan pernah liat gue ngejer kelinci, cos it will be so much funny…* dan ngeliat dia getting slow each day pasti sedih. but i think bebe is lucky enough, some rabbits don’t even make it 3 years.

hey, i love rabbits… i used to pet 2 of them and i know how it’s feel. :) anyway, ampir lupa.. minal aidin walfaidzin and maaf lahir batin, thal. :)

an | 27 November 2003 - 05:08 | reply

maap lahir batin juga, an :) thank you, ya.

iya nih, gue sedih mulu nih. mostly because i don’t get to see him for the past 12 months. oh well, at least he wasn’t in too much pain…

thalia | 27 November 2003 - 05:27 | reply