~ traffic jam ~

16 September 2003

maybe it’s just my imagination, but jakarta seems to be more crowded compare to the last time i was here. there are more cars on the road. the line of cars seems to be longer. the rush hour traffic seems to start earlier. waaaay earlier, like at 3PM.

it took me 1 1/2 hours to get home from work. that trip usually only takes me half an hour. gah.

~ comment (15) ~

welcome to the jungle!!! it always like this for the last 3 years…

avianto | 17 September 2003 - 12:32 | reply

karena ada pembangunan flyover di jl pramuka?

godote | 17 September 2003 - 01:05 | reply

pembangunan flyover pramuka, underpass cawang, flyover kuningan, flyover pancoran

| 17 September 2003 - 05:09 | reply

hi thalia , love ur site at first site..!! :)

my mum once trapped in a traffic jam for a whole hour. she was on her way home from kemang which normally only takes 5 minutes!! it’s gone mad!!

pongkilicious | 17 September 2003 - 08:37 | reply

aooohh.. traffic in jakarta!! i had such a bad experience the last time i went home.. it took me 3 hours to go back home to ciputat from kemang from the usual half an hour.. and it wasn’t even rush hour.. saking keselnya gue di mobil tereak² sendiri kayak orang gila..

the stress isn’t at work.. it’s on the way to and from work.. don’t u think? it’s even worst if ur the one who’s driving..

sLesTa | 18 September 2003 - 01:27 | reply

yeah, it’s definitely gone mad. trick pegi jam2 tertentu udah ngga jalan lagi. mana ngga ada supir lagi. kalo ada temen di mobil sih mungkin agak mendingan. ini, udah bosen, suntuk, yang ada gue marah-marah ama radio.

bener2 tua dijalan nih :(

thalia | 18 September 2003 - 01:39 | reply

ehm, since I going home by train :P, I never trapped in traffic jam again, byebye TJ :) hahahaha

godote | 18 September 2003 - 08:22 | reply

wah, asik juga tuh…. mungkin gue pindah aja ya ke serpong. hehehe.

thalia | 18 September 2003 - 12:19 | reply

ayuk.. pindahan ke serpong..
serpong sekarang komplit lho :) hihihi

godote | 18 September 2003 - 03:09 | reply

do you get sick in cars there like you did here? maybe not of you are driving. i take a cab to work to chelsea piers every morning and feel ill by the time i get there.

scogin | 19 September 2003 - 02:53 | reply

Mi nombre es gloria soy colombiana, de Medellin, curso primer semestre de administraciòn de negocios; admiro inmensamente a thalia, siempre me ha impactado por su talento y su personalidad en el mundo artistico, tambien porque los mexicanos me llaman mucho la atenciòn, puedo decir que thalìa es esa hidola mexicana. Toco piano y canto mùsica pop y baladas. Me gusta escribir y cuando estoy triste, muchas veces invento las canciones. Thalia, aparte de la carrera artìstica, me gustaria saber por que otro campo te inclinarìas. Me despido con un fuerte abrazo.

Gloria Sanchez | 19 September 2003 - 04:59 | reply

hmmm… :(
this is one of the main reasons why i’m so hesitant to go home for good… gue gak bisa ngebayangin stuck di mobil sendirian for hours in traffic… i think i’ll go crazy.

d | 19 September 2003 - 07:39 | reply

des.. kamu kan di serpong juga.. ntar aku supirin, jadi kamu nggak capek :)

godote | 19 September 2003 - 08:20 | reply

scogin — i get car sick less lately. maybe because i’m mostly the driver. and i don’t take cabs that often anyway.

thalia. | 19 September 2003 - 12:39 | reply

oh how sweet of you, dote :)
beneran ya? ntar kalo gue pulang, gue tagih lho janjinya! :P

d | 20 September 2003 - 03:25 | reply