~ DIY bead bracelet ~

13 February 2013

aina got her “beading machine” on her birthday, but we haven’t been able to try it out until today. we’ve bought a nylon thread for the craft and used the beads she got along with the machine.

it took me a while to assemble the machine, but we got on it right away after it was all put together. we’re making a bracelet for aina.

aina's bracelet
aina's bracelet

according to her design, aina wanted to have a stripy bracelet, alternating between yellow and orange: “well, i’d prefer pink, but since we don’t have pink, let’s just go with orange”, she said.

i was impressed on how this little contraption works. it makes the process go much faster. i used to make bracelets like this when i was a kid, using thread and a chair, to hold the thread in place. and it took me forever to make one! this one, however, was done in less than a day…

aina did everything, including the design, selecting and putting the beads into the thread. but i still do the sewing part.

so, later that night, after dinner, aina’s got a new bracelet!

aina's bracelet
aina's bracelet

~ comment (9) ~

Lucu Thal beading machine-nya. Aina jago ih, warna braceletnya juga lucu, suka!

Ipeh | 28 February 2013 - 02:32 | reply

iya peh, machinenya lucuuuu deh. dan emang jadi lbh gampang beadingnya! jadi ketagihan bikin nih, hihihi.

thalia | 28 February 2013 - 10:00 | reply

bagus sekali Aina……oma boleh pesan di buatkan gelang?

maudy pojoh kamarga | 28 February 2013 - 04:55 | reply

boleh dong oma. ini lagi kelarin pesenan bubu :)

thalia | 28 February 2013 - 10:00 | reply

wah bagus…Aina jg wajahnya ceria.

mimi | 28 February 2013 - 05:42 | reply

iya, seneng banget dia! udah lama pengen bikin ini, baru sempet sekarang.

thalia | 28 February 2013 - 10:01 | reply

Wow! Good job, Aina! :D
Masih belum kebayang gimana cara kerjanya.
Bisa bikin tas juga pake machine itu kah?

ummu umar | 1 March 2013 - 12:19 | reply

Aaah. I see! Itu kayak dianyam gitu aja kan ya? *baru ngeh*
Btw, aina mulai umur berapa pegang jarum, mbak?

ummu umar | 1 March 2013 - 12:29 | reply

waaa, kalo tas kayaknya ga bisa, soalnya lebarnya terbatas (kurang dari sejengkal). trus nyari jarum gede susah kali ya? hihihi. tapi kalo manik2nya gede, kayaknya bisa pake kursi deh.

aina pertama megang jarum pas abis ultah umur 4 tahun, tapi jarumnya ga tajem. jarum plastik gitu: http://www.avocadolite.com/expiration/archives/002442.php

abis itu, beberapa bulan kemudian baru pake jarum beneran buat bikin boneka felt: http://www.avocadolite.com/expiration/archives/002484.php

thalia | 1 March 2013 - 01:20 | reply