~ the making of the pink kooky kritter ~

24 June 2011

sewing the bunny from @chint13 :)

one of the few gifts aina received on her birthday was a kooky kritter. it was from kakak aidan, and every since she opened the package (the moment aidan gave it to her), she’s been asking when she can start sewing.

the making of the pink kooky kritter

so, two days ago, we started the project. the kritter is made out of felt with premade holes to make the sewing easier. it also comes with pink blunt plastic needle, so i don’t have to worry about aina puncturing herself and me :)

there are a few things that needs to be sewn by regular needle, like the buttons for the eyes and the tail, so i did that part.

the making of the pink kooky kritter
the making of the pink kooky kritter

after that, aina started to make the face… she gets the hold of running stitch quickly and totally enjoyed working on it.

the making of the pink kooky kritter
the making of the pink kooky kritter

she then attached the face to the body using the running stitch… it was pretty easy, so all i had to do was just watching her and taking pictures :)

the making of the pink kooky kritter
the making of the pink kooky kritter
the making of the pink kooky kritter

then we took a break and continued the sewing after dinner. when it comes to sewing the back and the front together, we had to use blanket stitch with super long green threads. that’s where aina started to struggle. so we worked together. she did the inserting needle and pulling, i manage the long thread, making sure it doesn’t tangle and help her doing the blanket stitch… sometimes she went into a wrong loop, or didn’t go into the loop at all…

the making of the pink kooky kritter

it took us a day and a half to stitch the body together. aina was very excited when it comes to filling the body with the dacron. she grabbed one of her pen and used it to stick the filling in.

the making of the pink kooky kritter

by the time all the filling went in, aina had lost the sewing interest, so i had to finish the little thing up. she loves the silly pink bunny, though. she named it bunny tungting and brought her to sleep with her.

all done, and going to bed with her

more photos are in the flickr photo album :)

~ comment (6) ~

another mile stone for her…she was so serious, not many children her age have such attention span. Good work Aina.

mimi | 24 June 2011 - 01:56 | reply

she looooves sewing… running stitch was ok, but once it gets to the harder parts, like blanket stitch, she got a bit frustrated, hehe.

thalia | 24 June 2011 - 07:15 | reply

Keren ! Ada ya sewing kit for kids seperti itu ? :D *mau mau mau*
Bunny Tungting ? :D lucuuu !

Susan | 24 June 2011 - 02:25 | reply

lucu ya? gue juga baru tau ada ginian… udah ada lubang2nya, jadi tinggal di-line-up, trus dimasukin jarum plastiknya. gampang banget! seru deh…

thalia | 24 June 2011 - 07:16 | reply

Berarti sekarang Bunny Tungting nemenin Snowy ya :)

otty | 30 June 2011 - 04:58 | reply

iya, tingtung suka ikutan sekarang. tadi pas lagi cinderella re-enactment, snowy jadi cinderella, tingtung jadi salah satu saudara tirinya :D

thalia | 30 June 2011 - 10:19 | reply