~ marionette 2a: princess aina maninonet ~

21 March 2011

legs, WIP

our first marionette was not children friendly… i mean, the poor little thing can’t take the abuse of a 3-year-old. the strings tangle, the head falls off… and aina really wants a marionette doll that she can hug (maybe i should just make her a stuffed doll, but she wants a marionette).

so, as designers, ari and i are looking for a new solution and we came up with: a real wooden marionette…

after some research over the internet, we’re off to make our own Pinocchio.

ari bought pieces of bass wood and some carving set. starting from the end of February, our dining table is almost always full of wood chips.

the carving...

slowly, we carved the legs, the body, the head…

assembling marionette 2

and finally, today all the parts are complete. hooray!

assembling marionette 2
assembling marionette 2

the knee joints are still using a wrong screw, we haven’t bought the right screw yet. the arms will be done using fabric for easy movement. the head… well, next time, we’ll use a larger piece… the piece we used was too small, thus resulting a flat-headed puppet, poor maninonet.

so, the next step is, after we sew the arms, ari paints the puppet, i make the clothes and the hair.

this is fun!!

ps: i’ll be posting more pictures at the Aina Princess Maninonet photo album :)

~ comment (8) ~

I’m so jealous of aina right now. you guys are officially the. coolest. parents. ever!

ps: did you sand the wood? basswood is easy to sand and the smooth surface usually makes all the difference to me.

dian | 23 March 2011 - 05:42 | reply

haha, that means a lot coming from you :)

we fell in love with the carve marks, so, we decided not to sand it smooth. we only sand it on the necessary parts, like joints and stuff.

thalia | 23 March 2011 - 10:48 | reply

astaga, yg loe omongin tadi tuh yang ini… asli gue pikir yang dulu loe bikin pake sedotan segala…
Gile, ini mah kelas tingkat tinggi… you guys.. my goodness… :)))

cynthia | 25 March 2011 - 03:46 | reply

haha iya, lagi bikin upgraded version dari yang sedotan. makanya dibajuin… kalo yang sedotan dibajuin, keberatan baju kali ya? hihihi :P

thalia | 25 March 2011 - 01:27 | reply

Wow! top banged deh Thalia..Ari emang super industrious, dilligent pula..dah gitu bakat lagi..seru abiz marionette nya..btw, kemaren ke Bdg 3 minggu lewat Jalan Naripan inget Dr. Kamarga :)

Bi Willy | 29 March 2011 - 05:58 | reply

wah, lagi pulkam, bi willy? seru dong!

iya nih, kita lagi keseruan bikin marionette. udah ampir jadi sekarang, tinggal dipasangin tali2nya :)

thalia | 30 March 2011 - 02:57 | reply

thal… maninonet aina ini udh jadi belom? pengen liat…. n penegen dibikinin ari juga, hihiii

chili | 7 April 2011 - 01:14 | reply

ah, udah! tapi blum sempet converting videonya. moga2 besok sempet nulis entrynya :D

thalia | 7 April 2011 - 03:40 | reply