~ trick or treat night 2010 ~

30 October 2010

halloween 2010


as usual, this year we threw another trick-or-treat party. unlike the years prior, this year, the party had a theme: SPIDER’S LAIR. cool eh?

other than the usual spiderweb around the front yard, we also put two giant spiders and made 55 little spiders that carry candies to give away to the trick-or-treaters.

since the construction of the giant spiders were delicate and meticulous, aina couldn’t join in. so she was very happy when she could help decorate the front gate with the spider web.

halloween 2010
halloween 2010

around 4:30pm, aina woke up from her nap and immediately changed into her costume: the Minnie Mouse costume that she got during her visit to Tokyo Disneyland. she also requested ari to make a Minnie mask that she can wear during the trick-or-treaters night. we decided to make a mouse nose for her out of felt.

as for me, i was going to dress up as a witch again, like the previous years. but the morning before the party, i got an idea that i should dress up as Mickey Mouse… if Aina was going to be Minnie, it’s only natural that she went trick-or-treating with Mickey, right? and it’s a pretty easy costume to pull off: i already have Mickey Ears from Tokyo Disneyland. all i need is black long tees, black leggings and a pair of red shorts with two big white circles. i got them all, except for the red shorts.

i tried to look for red shorts in the malls nearby, but apparently, red shorts were not “in” right now and none of the stores were selling them. so, i went home and quickly made red pants for myself out of left-over material from aina’s red riding hood costume two years ago.

halloween 2010

it was a potluck party, where everyone brought tons of food… there were siomay bandung & banana chocolate cake from yosi, chicken wings and fruit salad from shinta, and spider cupcakes and lasagna from the other shinta.

photo from shinta

halloween 2010

and it was so much fun because most of the guests came dressed up in costumes! here is the gang posing…

halloween 2010
minnie mouse & kungfu bunny (photo from shinta)

halloween 2010
the little ghost and the giant spider

photo from shinta

we had our dinner before we went out trick-or-treating to make sure that we all have full stomaches during the walk. besides it’s more fun to go trick-or-treating after dark, right?

giant spider

the little spiders were a big hit, to the point where kids came back after their rounds to ask for more… and we’d ran out of them really quickly, too… we had our guests help us make more spiders out of the remaining materials that we stil had (thank you, all!). we made 70-something spiders which were all gone. i think next time, we need to make 100 or more gifts.

halloween 2010
halloween 2010
halloween 2010
halloween 2010
halloween 2010

the big spiders were pretty famous, too. lots of kids and parents took pictures together with the two lanterns.

halloween 2010
halloween 2010
halloween 2010

aina’s mouse nose disintegrated halfway during the trick-or-treat walk… it actually made me feel better though, because i was afraid that she might suffocate underneath that mask.

it was a lot of fun! after we came back from the walk, all the kids sat in front of the tv for about an hour, all quiet. they were watching TV and munching on the candies… an hour later, they all started to scream and ran around the room like nutties! so, yes, i believe in “sugar rush”.

more pictures in my Halloween 2010 flickr album and shinta’s Halloween 2010 flickr album.

~ comment (12) ~

Ah kereeeeeeeennn!! Kalo gue di sana pastinya gue juga foto2 sama spidernya (yang kecil & besar). Semuanya keliatan seneng banget ya, anak2 yang pada dateng juga lucu2 banget :)

otty | 4 November 2010 - 05:56 | reply

wah, jadi kebayang kalo nara ikutan, kira2 dia pake kostum apa ya? hee hee…

gue ga liat anak2 yang dateng, soalnya gue pergi trick or treat… ini foto2 ari. tapi ternyata banyak yang lucu2 ya? ada buzz lightyear! :D

thalia | 5 November 2010 - 12:45 | reply

Uhuhuhuhihuhuuh sedih nggak bisa ikutaaan… Kyknya fun bgt!
And keren mampus aja gitu dekorasi loe! *nyembah2*

Cynthia | 4 November 2010 - 06:42 | reply

ah, ada next year!

lagian, kalo boleh milih: halloween di chipbee gardens atau jalan2 di lourve dan notredame… hmm, i’ll go with #2, indeed ;)

thalia | 5 November 2010 - 12:43 | reply

yay! akhirnya post ini nongol juga… tuu kan ceritanya lebih lengkap dari gue, soalnya foto2nya lebih banyak (dan lebih keren)!

taun ini berasa lebih fun buat gue juga thal, mungkin karena akhirnya naia bisa ikutan trick or treat! dan lebih berasa rame, padahal taun lalu juga ada ninit & mbak cynthia ya? plus abang & dede (minus yosi).. tapi karena ujan, jadi rada2 ruined the mood..

nonethless, selalu fun! gak sabar pengen tau ide dekorasi lo buat taun depan thal..!

sLesTa | 4 November 2010 - 07:18 | reply

iya shin, kayaknya karena elo & naia finally bisa ikutan trick or treat. emang lebih seru gitu kok daripada nungguin aja di rumah. dan ga ujan emang big plus point, hehehe.

pengen liat foto2nya shinta nih. soalnya wisnu kan motret2 sepanjang jalan waktu trick or treat…

taun depan lagi yaaa! moga2 ario bisa ikut.

thalia | 5 November 2010 - 12:47 | reply

Wah seru sekali, idenya bagus, yg paling penting semua have fun termasuk anak2 di neighborhood situ

mimi | 4 November 2010 - 10:26 | reply

it was fun, indeed :D bikin barang2nya juga seru, hehe. kapan2 cobain halloween-an disini yuk, ma?

thalia | 5 November 2010 - 12:51 | reply

seru nyaaa…pas malam jd keliatan spooky funky dekorasinya..

Irma Ardian | 5 November 2010 - 11:55 | reply

hehe iya, si giant spiders emang baru “keliatan serunya” kalo malem… :)

thalia | 6 November 2010 - 03:41 | reply

keren sekaliii ! asyik ya halloween disana. paling top memang spider queen nya :)

ortu kreatif, aina pasti mewarisi gen dari kalian berdua

Susan | 11 November 2010 - 07:05 | reply

makasii susan *crossing fingers*… :D

ini juga kebetulan kompleks rumah ngerayain halloween. biasanya sih di singapur jarang ada acara halloween-an.

thalia | 12 November 2010 - 12:43 | reply