~ new front page + new mattress ~

01 July 2009

out of the blue, ari and i decided (and actually worked on it) that we have to change avocadolite’s front page ASAP. so, this morning, after a visit to a potential playgroup for aina, we open up illustrator and whip up a super-quick front page.


so, i’m happy to announce that we finally did the long-overdue-update for avocadolite, although it just means that we reduce the site to one page. by the way, did you know that the last homepage had been there for about 5 years? oh my, poor neglected site.

in other news, our new mattress arrived today. yeah, we bought a new mattress. it’s also a long-overdue task that we kept put off for a long time. our old mattress has a few springs about to poke out of the fabric.

the reason why we decided to get a new mattress was because last friday, out of the blue, ari got a severe back pain. so severe that for the whole day, he could do nothing but laying on his stomach. he couldn’t move, sit, nor walk.

it got better in a few days, but we went to see the doctor anyway. the doctor told us that it’s a disc problem. it’s quite a common problem, mostly due to aging (ho ho, ari has aged!). he couldn’t give ari medicine other than pain killers, but he gave us two pieces of paper on back exercises. he told us to do those exercises, get a good chair with back support for ari’s computer chair, only work on the computer half an hour at a time, and replace our nightmare mattress with a firmer mattress.

so there. we already have good working chair and ari has promised to limit his time on the computer… we went straight to the mall and bought a new (and on-sale) King Koil mattress. free delivery that includes the free disposal of the old mattress. perfect.

~ comment (6) ~

Love it Thal! Looks cleaner and simple and friendly to the eyes… Fantastic!!! :)

cynthia | 2 July 2009 - 11:35 | reply

yay, thank you!! :D

thalia | 3 July 2009 - 01:39 | reply

love it, thal!! simpler & cute .. and yes, friendly to the eyes.

ah, enaknya kalo bisa design ya.. tinggal mikir langsung jadi. gue udah setahun lebih mau ganti layout, ampe sekarang belom2 juga.. huhuuu…

sLesTa | 2 July 2009 - 12:42 | reply

aww, sori nih shin. masih blum sempet juga bikin yang elo… kerjaan ilustrasi masih numpuk! kemaren aja, terpaksa nge-hijack komputer ari. untung bikinnya cuma bentar… hehe.

thalia | 3 July 2009 - 01:40 | reply

no worries, thal. another friend is helping and it’s 90% finish. tinggal di transfer ke html :)

sLesTa | 3 July 2009 - 11:49 | reply

oh, great! kalo gitu, ntar lagi slesta.com bakal punya tampang baru doooong… yay!

thalia | 3 July 2009 - 12:51 | reply