~ family portrait ~

03 October 2008

our latest family portrait, taken today by ari’s mom before they left for Jakarta:



there were about 10 pictures taken, and these are the two decent ones. to tell you the truth, it was much easier directing koda during photo sessions like this than directing aina…

~ comment (4) ~

it was much easier directing koda during photo sessions like this than directing aina…

ninit | 4 October 2008 - 11:11 | reply

yah, begitulah, nit… saat ini, koda lebih nurut :P

thalia | 9 October 2008 - 03:50 | reply

hihi.. lucuuuww!!
itu aina ngeliatin siapa sih thal? matanya gak ke kamera..

sLesTa | 6 October 2008 - 12:10 | reply

lagi ngeliatin kakeknya (bokapnya ari)… dari sekian takes, ga ada satupun yang dia liat kamera. semua ngeliat ke sang kakek… hehehe.

thalia | 9 October 2008 - 03:52 | reply