~ three scarves ~

04 March 2007
three scarves and a sewing machine

when i’m swamped with work, i take breaks by knitting/crocheting something easy that doesn’t require a lot of thinking, like scarves. it’s relaxing and has some meditating quality. the downside of it is that i end up with many scarves that i can’t even use (since Singapore’s weather is way to hot to wear scarf)… like last month, i ended up with three scarves.

three scarves

the one of the left is a crocheted scarf, the easiest and the fastest one to finish (like two days). the other two were done earlier, and they use the same exact stitches. the blue one is very nice and soft. and the gray one uses two balls of yarn of the same color (those yarn with gradations), knitted alternating every two rows. the three of them are pretty long — about two meter in length. i like long scarves. i just hope one day, i will have a chance to wear them…

~ comment (5) ~

ayoooo buka toko

Rani | 4 March 2007 - 11:42 | reply

hehehe, siapa yang mau pake scarves di singapur… ntar ga laku, lagi….

thalia | 5 March 2007 - 12:53 | reply

iya mba, jual aja online, di ebay ke atau gimana so gak perlu buka toko di singapur. Tapi udah jualan online kan yah?

fenny | 7 March 2007 - 09:41 | reply

hehe, ga suka ebay :) ntar deh, kalo lagi pengen jualan, dijual. mesti mikirin packaging etc sih kalo mo berencana jualan.

thalia | 10 March 2007 - 03:20 | reply

jangan salah Thal… orang sini suka beli scarf loh… walaupun panas…
biasanya end of year… orang2 yang travel ke tempat dingin pasti cari scarf… or… mereka beli light scarf buat gaya and also protect them from cold temperature inside their offices… Daahhh… jual ajah… :)

cynthia DPS | 9 March 2007 - 07:19 | reply