~ house cleaning + good fortune ~

18 February 2007

Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! did you know that you’re not supposed to sweep or mop your floor during the new year day, as it is believed that it will sweep (or mop?) your luck out of your door for the year to come?

so, yesterday, ari and i did some house cleaning. our maid, who’s supposed to come yesterday, canceled and didn’t come. we didn’t want to have the house full of Koda’s fur for another week, so we decided to sweep the house lightly, just enough to get rid of those fur balls.

about fifteen minutes after we’re done with the cleaning, koda came in to the house, after doing her number 2 in our backyard. she ran through the kitchen, take a little peek at the front door, passing our dining and living area, then go up the stairs, going straight into our bedroom… all that after stepping on her own poo, dead on.

her poo was all over the house!! argh! there was a trail of brown thingy up and down the stairs… what a nightmare!

after giving Koda’s feet a bath, we ended up redoing the house cleaning again. this time, a more thorough clean up… we mopped and cleansed the backyard porch, the kitchen, the stairs, dining/living room, and the bedroom. it was almost the whole house.

well, at least she didn’t climb up the bed, which i just changed the bedding the day before.

anyways, we called ari’s parents to wish them a good new year this morning. and when ari told them about the koda’s poo incident, they immediately said, oooh, that’ll bring you guys good fortunes!

ari then explained to me that Chinese believes that if you dream about something disgusting (like messy, dirty toilet, etc…), it means that it’ll bring you good fortune. the more disgusting the dream, like poo scattered everywhere, the more fortune or money you get. weird, eh?

so, even though it’s not a dream, maybe… just maybe, the whole scattered poo from Koda will bring us some fortune in the year to come. heh heh… i thought it’s weird, but it definitely cheered me up after having poo mess all over the house.

~ comment (4) ~

happy new year and welcome to the year of pig! we wish you luck and prosperity ;>

Rani | 19 February 2007 - 08:26 | reply

thank you! wish you guys the best as well :)

thalia | 19 February 2007 - 04:31 | reply

Gong xi fat cai, have you seen the horoscope? www.chiff.com? Ari’s gets along very well with the red fire pig. Yours is Ox? I think it is in harmony with the pig too, check it out.

Mimi | 19 February 2007 - 01:39 | reply

hehe, baru aja baca… aku bukan ox, tapi rabbit. and i think it’s pretty nice and seems to get along with the pig as well :D

thalia | 19 February 2007 - 04:32 | reply