~ printed ~

22 January 2007

i just got an email from The One Million Masterpiece notifying me that my Koda drawing is one of the 1115 artworks that made it to their 2007 calendar. Koda is on the November’s page, along with the other animal drawing. pretty cool, huh?

on the similar note, this morning our Semi-Permanent 2006 book arrived. and, yep, our Warrior Girls series is in there, as a part of their Semi-Competition entries.

yay, having to see our works printed, even though their quite tiny, makes me very happy :D

~ comment (6) ~

Ikut senang juga! Koda jadi terkenal, hihihi…

ayu | 23 January 2007 - 12:43 | reply

hehe, makasii! koda juga bilang makasii (dan sampai jumpa bulan april).

thalia | 23 January 2007 - 02:38 | reply

eh mine too
at April - Only Joking

godote | 24 January 2007 - 01:17 | reply

iya, gue juga liat tuh, si monster biru :) sayangnya kita ga dapet kalendernya gratisan ya, hehehe.

thalia | 24 January 2007 - 01:26 | reply

wah senengnya, ari baru bilang di MT bahwa kita juga belom liat bukunya, eh buk sp2006 sampe heheee

yoel | 24 January 2007 - 09:44 | reply

iya nih, pas baru pulang, bukunya nongol. trus taunya ada beneran disitu, biarpun kecil… yay! :D

thalia | 25 January 2007 - 12:17 | reply