~ Aldo-Alfa self ~

04 May 2006

we finished the gift poster for Aldo and Alfa’s wedding. instead of having those overused pre-wedding photos, they requested friends and family to create an artwork about “Alfa and Aldo”. these artworks will be displayed in their wedding.

and that image above is our artwork for them.

it’s basically Aldo and Alfa version of our self series. you’ve probably have seen the rock star chick version. we thought it’s a good idea, considering how devoted they are with toys. we hope they wouldn’t mind that we turned them into toys.

ps: while we were drawing the Aldo self, we realized that if someday we wanted to make Ari and Thalia version of self, the Aldo self can easily interchangeable with Ari self. they look even more alike in their cartoon form…

~ comment (4) ~

of course we don’t mind you turning us into toys. we LOVE it. Kesian Aldo krn dia belom liat dan penasaran banget hihihi… Dia malah gak bisa bayangin dibikin jadi illustrasi yang mirip ama muka benerannya.

Iya ya..makin diliat (gambarnya) makin berasa Aldo mirip Ari.. :P

chibi | 5 May 2006 - 02:55 | reply

kasih liat yang versi internetnya aja!

iya tuh, mirip! yang bikin lebih mirip lagi itu gayanya as a whole. kacamatanya aja sama.

thalia | 5 May 2006 - 11:35 | reply

kayanya aldo ama ari ga interchangeable deh, ari dagunya khas banget kok.. oya jangan lupa bikin koda self juga :>

Rani | 5 May 2006 - 06:20 | reply

hahaha, emang!! ari dan dagunya. hahaha.

thalia | 5 May 2006 - 11:35 | reply