~ seat cushion ~

04 February 2006
seat cushion
seat cushion

yay, i finished the seat cushion last night! it’s rather small for a cushion, because i ran out of the green yarn. and i don’t really want to buy more of those yarn, because those acrylic yarn balls are too rough, that i can’t make anything else but seat cushion and small rugs.

anyways, i’m pretty happy with how it turned out. i now have cushion that i can sit on when i watch tv or crochet.

the picture on the right is the little corner where i do my craft. it’s in out living room, right in front of the TV, so i can watch (or just listen) to the TV while working. there two small boxes to store the yarn, felt and fabric, one box to keep the amigurumi and small toys, small drawers to keep the thread, needles and scissors and the flat box is for eyes and beads. there are larger boxes to store more yarn, fabric and knitting stuff, but they’re kept in the upstairs room.

the upstairs room is supposed to be the craft room, but i get lonely doing my stuff there. i’d rather be downstairs with ari and koda. that why i have those little boxes in the living room… a little messy, but i think it’s better than being lonely.