~ my new hat! ~

05 November 2003

i finished my first knitted hat a few days ago. yay! the hat originally was made for ari, but it was too big for him. so, now it’s mine (yeah, either i have a big head or he has a tiny head… either way, my head it larger than his).

i still need to learn be more neat and do less mistakes. but generally, i’m pretty happy with the result.



i know it looks weird by itself, but i think once i put it on, it looks normal. i have more photos where it looks normal. really.





~ comment (18) ~

I think Daiva would be happy if you made one for him :D

godote | 5 November 2003 - 03:41 | reply

oooh! that’s a good idea! i’ll buy some yarn when i get to melb :) i hope he has a small head.

thalia | 5 November 2003 - 03:49 | reply

that’s just too cute!!

felisha | 5 November 2003 - 08:25 | reply

aw, thanks! i’m so slow that the winter is over by the time i finished the hat. hehehe. by the way, why “closed”?

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 10:39 | reply

hey, that’s what i would call.. kupluk ! hehehe. well, try to ask some public figure to wear yours, then it should be a new trend… hehehe.. what’s the name ? ah ! thalia kupluk… huhu.. :)

anyway, nice layout once again !

an | 5 November 2003 - 10:29 | reply

elo public figure kan, an? nge-band! kalo elo pake, ngetop ngga ya topi gue? :)

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 10:54 | reply

Wah, gue butuh tuh topi model gitu… disini udah mulai mendingin (bukan mendingan) udaranya… Need protection for the ears especially when I am riding my bike!

Send me one, please =D

avianto | 6 November 2003 - 04:55 | reply

ukuran kepala elo brapa? umm, cuman, gue masih musti blajar rapih nih. masih agak gede-kecil-gede-kecil.

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 10:59 | reply

love your layout … :)

emon | 6 November 2003 - 05:08 | reply

thank you :)

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 10:48 | reply

cute! gue mau donk kirimin satu… eh kayaknya elo kalo mau jualan bisa laku keras deh thal. liat aja nih komen2nya, udah banyak yg tertarik… abis ntar lagi winter sih.

d | 6 November 2003 - 05:29 | reply

gue pengen sih jualan. online ceritanya, des. lagi di-design online storenya. ama setting up merchant account dari singapur. soalnya indo undah di-blokir. not trusted for any online transaction. hihihi.

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 10:58 | reply

many are knitting now-a-days, it’s it therapeutic? Cute hat!

Mona | 6 November 2003 - 10:03 | reply

it is soooo therapeutic. although it’s a bit addicting :P

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 10:42 | reply

thaall… lucuuu bangeeettt.. apalagi pas elo pake, jadinya lucu abis!! u look pretty in the pictures.. i like ur color contact lens.. hihi, looks really really nice on you. bikinin gue dong!! ih jadi pengen belajar knitting juga deh..

sLesTa | 6 November 2003 - 12:22 | reply

hihihi, makacih makacih :) belajar deh, asik lho knitting, therapeutic banget. kalo lagi suntuk, knitting aja. kan di Soho ada tempat les knitting. gue lupa di jalan apa (green, mercer, sullivan, one of those streets). nama tokonya Purl.

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 04:24 | reply

cute!! :) bikin sweater juga gak thal?

godo | 6 November 2003 - 04:53 | reply

wah, gue blum se-ambisius itu, hihihi. masih bego.

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 05:02 | reply