~ knitting + ari visit ~

09 March 2003

to get my mind off, yesterday, i went out with nao and her family and bought some yarn. i learned how to knit :)

naomi, my 14 yr old cousin, taught me and chilli (her mom). she learned it from a couple of illustrated books. i thought it was kinda fascinating. although it was a bit frustrating at the beginning, it turned out knitting is quite therapeutic. i think i’ll do this more often….

today, ari came by to visit. we sat around my house for a little bit, took a bite in a small cafe, then went out to watch a Infernal Affair, which turned out to be a very good and interesting movie.

the thing about that was, it felt like a date. when we were in NY, we see each other everyday, go home from work together, had dinner together almost every night (unless one of us had to work late). back then, going out with him is not a date, it’s a regular habit.

my first date with him was, i think 6 years ago. and it consists of the same thing: sat on cafe then watch movie in the theater (Lost Highway was the movie. interesting choice for first date movie, dontcha thing?). it’s just funny that our second date is probably, today.

~ comment (2) ~

funny that you had to go halfway around the world for your second date. sounds like a good time.

scogin | 11 March 2003 - 11:09 | reply

hehehehee~~~ I can do the stockinette stich now **dances** (itu lho, stitch yang mba mau, yg rapih itu)

nao. neo. varziel. whatever, geek | 11 March 2003 - 11:59 | reply