~ bandwidth shortage ~

09 March 2001

ouch, it looks like one by one, those famous sites are starting to fall into the same problem: eating too much bandwidth. starting with kaliber 10000, then linkdup, now designgraphik and nosepilot. i guess, being famous has drawbacks (and costly too — $16,000! ick!).

later on: oh, just found out from core’s site, that burntgraphix is having the same problem

~ comment (3) ~

this is one of those times that i’m happy to get only 10 hits a day =)

wing | 11 March 2001 - 05:49 | reply

thanx for a correction.. ^_^

hope you’re still have enough budget for your lovely site…In case sometimes yours become bandwidth eater..(or its already big bandwidth consumer?) well, keep on alive n’ kickin’ Sis…

core | 11 March 2001 - 08:20 | reply

no problem, bro =) *kickin’*

thalia | 12 March 2001 - 06:17 | reply