~ flower collage ~

02 July 2012

making flower collage

we had big plans today, and all went wrong. we took the train to the Botanic Gardens, only to find out that Jacob Ballas Children Garden was closed. aina had already brought her bikini to play in the water with… too bad. so we took the bus back to Holland Village, planning to go swimming… we went home to pick up my bathing suit and we got rained on… damn. no swimming for us, then.

so, what to do? well rainy day is crafting day.

on aina’s birthday, one of the presents was literally a bucket of craft materials (thank you kakak aidan!). so we open the bucket and aina started to make a collage.

making flower collage

the bucket comes with its own glue and paper. so perfect. there were straws and other papery stuff. she decided to make a flower. first glueing the stem made out of a straw.

making flower collage
making flower collage

then, the petals…

making flower collage
making flower collage
making flower collage

it was rather empty, even after aina wrote her name and the dates. so she decided to add an animal… she kept going back and forth between a bunny and a bird. and finally settled on the bird (because she found a small feather for the tail). i helped her sew the beady eye into the bird’s head, and she did all the glueing.

making flower collage
making flower collage
making flower collage

yay, we’ve finished the collage! it is now sitting at aina’s room, waiting to be framed.

~ comment (10) ~

Bagus sekali Aina..

Maudy Pojoh Kamarga | 4 August 2012 - 01:06 | reply

barang2nya udah ada sih di jar-nya, jadi mayan gampang bikin2 beginian :)

thalia | 8 August 2012 - 02:14 | reply

Aina pasti senang, Oma bilang bagus. Popo jg bilang bagus kok.

mimi | 4 August 2012 - 06:33 | reply

hihihi, dia sih senang dan bangga tuh… :P

thalia | 8 August 2012 - 02:14 | reply

Hi Thalia,
Salam kenal ya..
Aina is very creative, menurun dari papa mamanya!
I really enjoy reading your blog.. keep posting yah..


Bonnita | 6 August 2012 - 02:36 | reply

halo, salam kenal juga Bonnita! makasii ya udah mampir dan posting comment :D

thalia | 8 August 2012 - 02:16 | reply

well done Aina…such a clever girl !!! you are talented !!! bravo !!!!!

din | 8 August 2012 - 01:31 | reply

thank you! :D

thalia | 8 August 2012 - 02:17 | reply

aina..bagus deh :) creative nih,, *bisa dicontek buat nanti*hehe,,

tfs thal :D

liakirana | 13 August 2012 - 06:08 | reply

no, lia :) ntar kalo bikin, post yaaa!

thalia | 14 August 2012 - 03:20 | reply