~ illustrations of the avocadolite family ~

31 May 2012

avocadolite family, ari's version

above is ari’s version of the Avocadolite Family. aina thinks koda doesn’t look too much like koda, but she’s happy with everything else. especially snowy (snowy is exactly like snowyyy, she said). i love it, because ari makes my legs very skinny there. i love you, hubby!

below is aina’s version. notably, koda is not in the drawing! it always happens with aina. poor koda. if koda had thumbs and could draw, she probably wouldn’t draw aina either, out of spite.

avocadolite family, aina's version

and since yesterday, aina and i just had our nail-polish-session together, our fingers are all painted red in the illustration. cool, eh?

aina dated the drawing herself, so i don’t have to scribble the date on the back of the paper. she’s very proud of it… writing dates, that is.

the drawings are now hung on our wall. i love family drawing sessions like this :)

~ comment (7) ~

hahahaaaa…..inget thalia dan ramanda msh kecil, semua gambar2 di tempel di-mana2 di ruang keluarga..

maudy pojoh kamarga | 31 May 2012 - 01:14 | reply

oh ya? sekarang Thalia yg nempelin gambar dimana-mana. bagus…

mimi | 31 May 2012 - 02:33 | reply

iya ma, kayak pintu gudang gitu, disini juga dindingnya rame, hihihi.

thalia | 1 June 2012 - 01:18 | reply

Iiiihh.. Lucu banget kukunya sampe dibuat merah juga. Anak-anak emang selalu detail yaaaa. Gemeeeessshhhh!

nyanya | 6 June 2012 - 07:21 | reply

iya, centil banget ya? hihihi. hari itu, warna kuku sangat PENTING buat dia, ternyata :D

thalia | 7 June 2012 - 01:12 | reply

ternyata yg penting buat anak kadang lain dari kita ya…

mimi | 7 June 2012 - 01:08 | reply

hihihi, iya… ketebak sih kalo yang ini :P

thalia | 7 June 2012 - 09:32 | reply