~ cycling lesson - part 2 ~
after three months of absence, we finally took aina and Baby Thyme (aina’s green bike) to the Botanic Gardens again. i know, three months is a long absence, and it’s shown… it took her a while to get used to Baby Thyme again.
this time we skipped the grass and went full on the road… and we think she’s ready.
and this time, i actually remember to record a few clips during aina’s lessons :)
we took lunch break and and a little bit of rain break (it’s been raining everyday here in Singapore).
and met a few elephants along the way…
we’ll be doing this more often, i hope. it looks like she’s about this close to be riding a bicycle.
more photos in the cycling lesson - nov 2011 photo album.
~ comment (6) ~
Emang kalo uda hampir bisa, harus di rajinin supaya dapat slag nya. kalo uda disitu uda punya confidence, bisa deh.
Videonya bagus, komentarnya kena banget…hahaha. Good work for the three of you.
hari ini gagal lagi… ujan mulu nih disini, jadi susah mo main outdoor…
Hahahaaaa…..kasian bubu lari2 dan Aina kenapa suka lari semak2?
hihihi, iya tuh, belok mo masuk got mulu :P