~ purse organizer for Yosi ~

08 August 2009

yosi came by this afternoon, bringing a pile of fabric and sewing thread. well, not a pile. more like a bag-full. small bag.

so, while the kids are playing (aina was ecstatic having yosi’s kids around), i managed to finish the purse organizer that yosi requested. it took a little longer than i thought it would be, but i was pretty satisfied with the way it turned out. and i think she was, too.

purse organizer for Yosi

purse organizer for Yosi

~ comment (9) ~

Thank you again, Thaaaaaal! I’m sooooo happy with it :-)

Yosi | 9 August 2009 - 11:15 | reply

yay! glad that you’re happy with it :)

thalia | 9 August 2009 - 12:55 | reply

a good idea, must be useful. in nice color too.

mimi | 9 August 2009 - 06:08 | reply

yosi chose the colors and the fabric. it was from IKEA. cute, no? :)

thalia | 9 August 2009 - 10:07 | reply

mba, disini dijual lo bag organiser yg seperti mba bikin, dari yg kecil sampai yg besar :D warnanya cuma ada cream, black and red kalau gak salah

fenny | 10 August 2009 - 04:23 | reply

iya fen, yang jual bag/purse organizer emang banyaaaaak banget. apa lagi online. banyak yang lucu2 pulak. ini bikin karena temen gue pengen yang bentuk, bahan, dan warnanya spesifik.

mau juga, fen? hihihi.

thalia | 10 August 2009 - 04:27 | reply

pengen bikin juga ah Thal … hehe, soalnya aku juga suka pake’ tote bag. Minta ijin nyontek yaaa…

pimpi | 13 August 2009 - 01:04 | reply

contek aja :) kita juga nyontek kiri kanan dari internet kok… hi hi hi.

thalia | 13 August 2009 - 01:13 | reply

hehe … thank you … thank you

pimpi | 13 August 2009 - 01:29 | reply