~ ICA trip ~

22 August 2007

to celebrate ari’s birthday, we went to the ICA to take care of Aina’s permanent residence. just kidding. well, it’s still ari’s birthday, but we didn’t do anything special to celebrate… maybe this weekend, we’ll do something more interesting than going to immigration office.

happy birthday, hun!

anyways, we had to go the ICA to take care of Aina’s permit to stay in Singapore. the place is crowded as usual, so it’s quite a hassle to bring Aina along with us. but we have to anyway, because the officer has to match the photo of the applicant with the real person.

it took us about 3 hour-ish to do complete the whole process. this means, i had to feed Aina at the immigration office. and i have to say that the ICA building has a pretty nasty baby room, at least on their 5th floor. the seat was dirty, the floor was sticky and the room was very small. the seat only fits two people and they were too close to the changing table. you can’t really fit more than 3 people in the room, with one standing up. when i was feeding Aina, there were lines of 3 mothers and they’re restless babies, trying to get into the room. poor babies…

to make it worse, this room is right in front of the bathroom, with the seat facing the doorway. i find it quite funny that most guys who comes in and out of the bathroom always glance into the room and turned away awkwardly after seeing two mother breastfeeding.

i hope, the other baby room on other floors are better…

so, about Aina’s PR itself, it will take three months to process. and during those three months, Aina can’t leave the country… unless we don’t mind repeating the process all over again, including take Aina back to the ICA building…. so, there goes the plan to go visit relatives in Jakarta next month. i guess, the earliest we can go is December 2007…

~ comment (5) ~

Happy Belated Birthday, Ari!

PS: Rani was once breastfeeding sitting on the floor in front of that nursing room. An Indian/Bangla security guard scolded her for having exposed her glandula mamae. I agree with you Singapore is not really a breastfeeding friendly place.

Masindi | 23 August 2007 - 09:48 | reply

happy birthday, ari!!!

wah aina aja udah ngurusin PR gue belom. emang kalo lagi ngurusin PR gak boleh keluar negaranya thal??

btw.. my apologies for not coming to see you guys yet. work and life has been pretty busy, especially now that my parents are here and my house is always welcoming visitors, it seems. sorry yaaa thal, ari & aina!! gue kan pengen kenalan ama aina!!

soon yaa.. soon!! no excuses deh!! :) promise!

sLesTa | 23 August 2007 - 05:01 | reply

hehe, nyante aja shin. gue juga super sibuk (sibuk adjusting, maksudnya, hee hee) kok. ga papa. ngerti kok, begitu tinggal di singapur, rumah jadi banyak tamunya. kan asik :D

ttg PR, sebenernya sih bukan ga boleh keluar negara. tapi kalo aplikasinya udah dimasukin, trus kita keluar singapur, kita mesti setor muka lagi untuk dicocokin ama foto aplikasinya setelah pulang. kalo engga, PRnya ga valid. kalo ngitung ngantri dll, setor muka sama ribet dan lamanya ama ngurus aplikasi pertama kalinya…

thalia | 25 August 2007 - 12:48 | reply

Yup, It’s absolutely true as what you described..that was exactly came across my mind, first time went in there. Gezz!
Maybe we should highlight to them, to provide “a proper” nursing room for moms.
What do you think?? :-P

fisty | 24 August 2007 - 10:23 | reply

happy bday ari

yoel | 25 August 2007 - 01:40 | reply