~ breast stuff + haircut ~

28 June 2007

father and daughter

today, i finally made my long-awaited visit to lactation consultant. after sorting through many pamphlets and recommendation, we went to see the lactation consultant in NUH, recommended by Rani.

and, boy, how could i waited for 5 days to see her! the advice work like magic and it makes things so much easier.

for the past two days, i’ve been having latching problems. it took us 30 to 45 minutes to get aina to latch on the breast. she kept arching her back and her tongue kept pushing the nipple out. then, she got frustrated and started wailing. i got frustrated because the breast is hurting and the sticky milk is all over my body. the breastfeeding session takes about an hour: 30-45 minutes for latching and 15 minutes for feeding. ugh.

but after the meeting with the consultant, it only took us a few seconds to get aina latched on to the breast — if she’s in a good mood. if she’s in the bad mood, it will take a little while to calm her down.

things went so well that both ari and i had time to go to get a haircut in the afternoon. yay!

new haircut

~ comment (12) ~

heya! ketemu doris akhirnya? mudah2an dia membantu dengan advice yg okeh..

yaay potong rambut! tapi hati2 minggu2 depan bakal terjadi kerontokan karena hormon..

Rani | 28 June 2007 - 07:28 | reply

wah, membantu banget :) iya nih, lagi deg2n nungguin kerontokan rambut. kalo ntar kebanyakan rontoknya, ya potong rambut lagi deh, hee hee.

thalia | 29 June 2007 - 05:07 | reply

lookin’ good momma T! :)

maomau | 28 June 2007 - 08:14 | reply

thanks, anna ;)

thalia | 29 June 2007 - 05:08 | reply

What a hot mama!! :-)

Glad that things went so well with the lactation consultant… its good to bring in the experts!

Meegs | 28 June 2007 - 10:26 | reply

yep, especially since i don’t know what else to do to make her latching well. the visit was totally worth it :)

thalia | 29 June 2007 - 05:11 | reply

wow!! the advice must have really worked!! i hope it’ll go smooth for me…~~

nice haircut!!

momo | 29 June 2007 - 10:44 | reply

it did :D your time is soon, right? wish you the best, both on the delivery and everything afterwards :)

thalia | 29 June 2007 - 05:12 | reply

big congrats to you!! you look great and happy :)

i had painful breastfeeding days, too. my boy’s lips got rolled inward and that pinched my nipples a big time! now that we both learned how breastfeeding works and he’s a happy milk drinker :D

enjoy the sweet sweet moments with aina - what a pretty name.

yuka | 30 June 2007 - 02:22 | reply

thank you, yuka! yeah, breastfeeding isn’t as easy as i thought… but things are much better now :)

thalia | 1 July 2007 - 10:42 | reply

thal, bisa share advice dari breastfeeding consultantnya? thank’s yaa..

yanti | 3 July 2007 - 01:00 | reply

hmm, agak susah untuk di-share, yan. soalnya spesifik banget ama gue dan aina (bentuk mulut aina, bentuk nipple gue etc, jadi mesti breastfeeding pake cara apa). rani juga pergi ke consultant yang sama, dengan advice yang bedaaaa banget.

thalia | 3 July 2007 - 04:28 | reply