~ 33-week photo ~

04 May 2007

Ultrasound Scan time again! and this time, the good news is that she has turned upside-down! this means that she’s in a correct delivery position, yay! even though the doctor said it’s unlikely, i hope she doesn’t change her mind and decided to turn around again…

33 week photo
if you can’t tell what’s what, click on the photo and mouse over on it in Flickr. i left some notes to indicate where the nose, eyes and mouth.

it’s getting harder to see the baby’s face on the scan, since her face is now facing down and is too close to the pelvic bone. so the picture is not as clear as the previous weeks. starting next week, i’ll be seeing my OB every two weeks, so we will take more pictures. but the OB has warned me that we may not be able to see the face anymore as the baby’s head started to engage and move further down the pelvis. oh well. as long as she’s fine, i’m okay.

the head is getting bigger, and during the scanning, she kept licking her lips, so we could see her little tongue going in and out of her lips. so cute! and even though she didn’t move much, her legs, which is located right next to my belly button, kept kicking out, making my belly looked extremely crooked and weird.

she’s currently at 2.04kg — gaining around half a kilos — and the doctor said that it’s right on the mark. her heart beat is all good and her water cushion around her is on the right amount. so, basically she’s doing well.

as for me, i gained more weight than i expected. within the past 3 weeks, i gained almost 2kg! whoa… what have i been eating!? no wonder my 32-week belly looks so much bigger compared to the 28th week. right now, my waist is up to 95cm… that’s almost a meter! wow… hopefully, i can slow down on the weight gain in the next few weeks.

~ comment (4) ~

pas donk beratnya, nanti pas lahir cukup tapi ga kebesaran.

mimi | 5 May 2007 - 02:18 | reply

saat ini sih masih right on the mark, ma. moga2, bisa dipertahanin ampe nanti pas saat lahir :)

thalia | 5 May 2007 - 03:06 | reply

wuiiiihhh… this is one good news ya Thal… loe nggak harus meliuk2 tari perut biar babynya turun…
dulu my mom sampe harus dipijit2 perutnya biar my baby brother mau turun… otherwise harus caesar kan?
well… congratulations! and good job little baby! :)

cynthia | 6 May 2007 - 02:45 | reply

iya, good news banget! soalnya, kalo bisa sih, jangan ampe di-caesar deh… tatut.

thalia | 6 May 2007 - 10:48 | reply