~ happy birthday ari ~
happy birthday, hubby :)
yep, today is ari’s birthday. i haven’t bought any present for him. and we don’t have time to celebrate his birthday today either. and we probably won’t have time until next month. what a busy August…
today is also my parents’ wedding anniversary… they got married at the same exact day as the day ari was born. and nine months later, i was born :)
yesterday marks the first year of Koda living with us. and this cute picture is taken exactly a year ago…
pictures of the trip to Jakarta (flowers, people and food) will be updated as soon as possible. i’m hoping i can get the work done sometime tonight, and then i can start uploading the photos. wish me luck!
~ comment (24) ~
happy birthday buat Ari, & happy anniversary buat Oom Didi & Tante Maudy :)
kata ari, makasih! thanks ya, yan… ntar gue sampein ke bokap nyokap :)
Happy Birthday, Ari!
Er, Thalia, can you email me? I have something to ask you about dogs.
ari says thank you :)
by the way, if you click on “contact” on the menu above, you can use the contact form to send me email… it goes to my regular email address.
Happy happy happy birthday Ari! Hope your day was fab!
(suami yang ulang taun…tetep Koda yang dibahas… elo emang obsessed ama Koda yah Thal..hihihi)
selamat ulang tahun, semoga panjang umur..
sayang kemaren ga sempet ketemu ya.. tau gitu kemaren tak belaČin pergi deh..
Wuih, happy birthday ya pak!
Happy Birthday, Ari! :)
waaa… happy b’day ari.. ih tau gitu ditagih makan2 kemarin :D all the best for you two!
hepi bday yah, panjang umur dan sukses slalu, awet sama thalia sampe kakek nenek.
thanks yoel. amin :)
Happy B’day Ari!
thanks, feli!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Kapan kita jadinya ketemuan ya? This weekend? Next weekend… Whenever you both are free yaa…
Email me dong… :)
this weekend boleee. next weekend bolee… telpon aja, kalo elo lagi bengong! kita kan kerja dari rumah, jadi lumayan gampang ngatur waktunya.
selamat ngulang taon om!