~ vox journal ~
two days ago, i received an invite from Cat to join Vox. it’s another journal/blog site from Six Apart.
i probably have too many journal accounts that i don’t use, but this Vox is cute! it’s pretty. their canned layouts are nicer and cuter than those offered by other blogging services.
so, i can’t resist trying it out: thalia.vox.com.
i didn’t have time to play around with it too much, thanks to piles of work to do — the main reason why i haven’t updated this journal for the past few days. i haven’t even sweeped the floor, done laundry, and clean up the kitchen… but i digress…
maybe in the next few days, i can start to play around with vox’s features and have more than one entry on that journal.
and i get to use username thalia! yay!
~ comment (8) ~
mau mau mau
okies, udah gue kirim :)
keren.. apa bisa publish via w.bloggar? mau dong invitenya.. kepengen jadi chaerani pertama
wah, ga tau, gue ga pake w.bloggar. gue pakenya Zempt. trus, sori, invite gue udah abis. cuma dapet dua! ntar kalo udah di-replenish invite box-nya, gue kirim ke elo, okay?
wooo, sure is cute… bagi dong invitenya, kalo ada, hehe… :)
sip, gue kirim ya :)