~ staining the chair ~

27 August 2005

it’s weekend, so ari and i decided to do something that we’ve been wanting to do for a few weeks: staining our IKEA chair to a different color.

we bought the wood stain about three weeks ago, but it ended up staying in our storage room. so, it’s about time.

original color is on the right, stained version is on the left.

we’re generally happy on how it look like, although we thought the color would be much lighter. but the darker stain makes the wood grain more prominent, which we like.

now that we found out that staining is easy to do, we want to do more! and more! so, we’re looking for more colors (and maybe more cheap furnitures to work on… that way, if we screw up, we don’t feel too bad).

~ comment (9) ~

hohoho, the king + queen of D.I.Y! produktif skaliii weekend kalian berdua…

yasmina | 28 August 2005 - 08:19 | reply

hihihi, lagi brusaha produktif nih, soalnya begitu ada puppy, waktu buat making stuff dissapeared!

thalia | 29 August 2005 - 02:58 | reply

How lucky you two, you have the entire IKEA at your disposal… hehehehehe… Sementara di Indo, mo gila de kalo ada IKEA, harganya minta ditampar…

Bellamy | 28 August 2005 - 10:57 | reply

hehe, makanya, pindah dong :P

thalia | 29 August 2005 - 02:59 | reply

yo you two, udah dapet tong anggurnya blum?

Rani | 29 August 2005 - 08:35 | reply

bluuum! mana sekarang udah beranak lagi! jadi ada 2 di depan rumahnya…

thalia | 29 August 2005 - 03:00 | reply

color tone inspired by kodama??? ha ha haa

chili | 29 August 2005 - 01:04 | reply

hihihi, btul :P sebenernya sih engga. bli catnya udah lama. tapi, ya… dihubung2in aja :P

thalia | 29 August 2005 - 03:01 | reply

eh jadi kayak kursi kuno gitu thal :)
kalau masih kurang yang mau di stain, tuh genting rumah sekalian ahahahaha

godote | 30 August 2005 - 05:36 | reply