~ packing day 1 ~

27 July 2005
moving - day 1

we started packing our stuff today. we’re moving to the new home on Friday, so we have today and tomorrow to wrap up all the stuff. there will be a couple of huge guys coming to this apartment on Friday, and they will lift all our heavy boxes, put them in their van and drop them off at our new home. they’ve stopped by yesterday to drop off a 15 cardboard boxes for us to use, which we will have to return after the moving. pretty good deal, i think.

moving - day 1
left: our messy bedroom. right: the 15 cardboard boxes from the huge guys.

our bedroom is now a huge mess and has turned into our boxes repository. everything which was on the shelves and cabinets are either in the box or on the floor… mostly on the floor, though.

but i think we’re doing pretty well… within 3 hours, we finished 12 little boxes, three of them are the boxes we borrowed from the huge guys. we’re currently taking a break to watch the season finale of CSI (the one directed by Quentin Tarantino). but after that, we’ll probably go back to putting things into boxes again.

~ comment (8) ~

rumah baru? MAKAN-MAKAN™ dong (alias CONGRATS) :D

jadi inget dulu gw pindah kos ke rumah, isi dos-dosnya 80% majalah dan buku…

Ben | 28 July 2005 - 01:42 | reply

wah! berat banget dong! gue sekitar 6 box isinya stengah komik stengah baju, biar ngga berat, takut jebol box-nya :D

thalia | 29 July 2005 - 02:29 | reply

woohoooo, new home! ntar posting foto2 rumah baru ya… did you manage to find the paisley wallpaper you wanted? disini ada tempat yg bisa bikin wallpaper design sendiri thal, pasti di singapore juga ada lah tempat kaya’ gitu, and your designs are awesome, let’s see those on the wall! :)

yasmina | 28 July 2005 - 03:58 | reply

baruuu aja di post :D and, no, i haven’t found the wallpaper i wanted. i think the custom wallpaper that you’re talking about would be perfect! ari has a friend who does those sorta thing…. now we just need to find out the *ehem* price :P

thalia | 29 July 2005 - 02:32 | reply

Wah, mba! The last time i’ve opened your website probably a month ago hehehe… Now we can post our comment again, yay!!! Good luck with your movement thingy, ok :) If you need my help, just send me the flight ticket and I’ll be there HUAHAHA…

noushka | 28 July 2005 - 10:54 | reply

haha, malesh. elo, udah mahal, ngga bisa ngangkat barang berat, trus musti dikasih makan lagi… mending sewa moving company deh :P

btw, aku udah upload poto2 rumah! :D

thalia | 29 July 2005 - 02:34 | reply

mba, rumahna putih buanget yah. wah asyik neh jadi bisa transit di singapore en gratisan heheheh :P

fENNY | 29 July 2005 - 04:59 | reply

iya! ampe silau ngeliatnya… hihihihi. silakan, silakan! kapan mo dateng? :D

thalia | 31 July 2005 - 12:28 | reply