~ noushka is back pt. 2 ~

29 June 2003

today we’re supposed to surprise the extended family: cousins, aunts, ucles, grandparents… this time, things went very well.

first of all, noush, ticia (noush’s sister) and i picked up ayoub (our cousin). ayoub’s mom, just like noush’s dad, was surprised enough to cuss at noush when she first saw her. despite the fact that we had to wait forever for ayoub to come out of the bathroom, the surprise stuff went well.

noush’s dad gathered the family in the restaurant called Bistro up at Plasa Senayan, today, coincidentally, is nao’s dad’s birthday (happy birthday, om ben!). aunts, uncles and my grandma are all there. our plan is to have ticia, ayoub and i walked into the restaurant like usual. a few minutes later, noush would walk and say hello to everyone casually. ayoub, ticia and i are supposed to gasp and be surprised along with everyone. that, fortunatelly, went well. the three of us didn’t even have to do the fake surprised thing. chilli, just like everyone else, also cussed when she saw noush walked in to the table. noush got cussed a lot in the past few days, eh?