~ cellphone! ~

24 December 2002

i got my SIM card and my number! yay! i’m still using my mom’s phone and still learning to use it. the first call came from ari. when i tried to sms him, i ended up sending the message to a random number. oops. i had to wake my dad up and asked him to teach me how to use sms. how embarassing…

i didn’t go to the office today and worked at home instead. it’s kinda nice, cause i got a few things done, like take a picture for my ID card, etc.

ah, it’s christmas eve already… i gotta go and wrap some presents.

~ comment (5) ~

Congrats on the cell phone. Paul just got one as well. In his excitement, however, while trying to email me his new number, he ended up typing my address wrong and sending the number along with a sweet message to the wrong person. He was ever so slightly embarrased.

A very merry Christmas to you, Thalia!

Brooke | 25 December 2002 - 05:10 | reply

merry christmas and wish you and ari a successful neew year of 2003!

emon | 26 December 2002 - 12:24 | reply

merry christmas thal and ari, kemaren yang kirim sms aku :).. sorry sekarang my cellphone ketinggalan di rumah heheheh

godote | 27 December 2002 - 06:56 | reply

Ttg SMS.. jgnkan sms.. voice mail di hp aja gue males ngurusin set up nya hehehehehe.. apalagi sms.. :P males ngetik2 nya :P

Chesa | 27 December 2002 - 10:38 | reply

Cobain Siemens SL45 atau S45, kamu bisa viewing BMP Files (Black & White only), bisa ngerekan suara, sms, gprs, dan filing macam2 data.
Eh, Thal, kamu masih kerja di perusahaan yg lama ? Atau udah dpt kantor baru ? Aku nggak ngikutin soalnya..

Ganesha Tamzil | 29 December 2002 - 10:40 | reply