~ bittersweet part 2 ~

28 August 2002

i don’t know what’s going on, but for one thing, my relationship with computers are currently… not good. (beware: whiney below).

since the post is titled bittersweet, i’ll start with the sweet first. iPod is great! not only it plays songs, it makes me organized. i was busy moving the MP3s on PC to the new Mac and renaming the songs to fit the categorization on the iPod the way i like it. i can finally listen to my MP3 collections without dragging my laptop ccloser to my sound system. i think i’ll be an iPod addict.

now, as usual, the ugly story: i have a huge pile of stuff i need to do at work. the pile is so big, i have to bring it home to prevent myself from living at the office. so i upload a few files to the avocadolite server so that i can download it at home and work on it.

by the time i get home, my Earthlink DLS connection has slowed down tremendously — it took me over 1 minute to get yahoo page open! more to that, the IE on Mac laptop were screwed up (it doesn’t want to render certain sites). it took me a while to figure out that both the IE and the DSL connection are screwed up. ari finally figured out that if we use the IE on OS9 (instead of on OSX), it work fine. so i tried to connect to my server’s ftp and it kept saying that the domain does not exist…

after about an hour, i was quite happy that Earthlink connection is back to its usual speed, only to find out that all of my sites are gone. Yobotica gives me “bad_httpd_conf” error, while avocadolite’s ftp is still non-existent. i remembered 3 years ago when this happened, which made me nervous that i wouldn’t be able to download my files.

after a few hours and a few panicky emails to the customer service, all the sudden the site is back up. so, i immediately try to connect my PC laptop to the internet… and i failed. my PC laptop CANNOT connect to the internet, for some unknown reason. arrrrrgh!

i didn’t know what time it was, but i’m pretty sure it was over midnight already. i was frustrated and emotionally exhausted, especially with the addition of last weekend computer problems that have not been resolved. so i jumped into bed cursing at my bad computer luck and wishing this week would be over soon.

update: did i tell you that Godote is using my photo album script to make his gallery? woohoo! can i proclaim myself as a developer? :P

one more thing, avocadolite, yobotica and ari’s portfolio was on the Featured Site at Moluv. second woohoo!